
Financial Wellness at Work

Financial Wellness at Work logoThe FINRA Foundation's Financial Wellness at Work project—administered in collaboration with United Way Worldwide—helps community-based nonprofits provide workplace financial wellness services for lower-income employees across industry sectors.

Financial Wellness at Work Training Institutes

Group of WorkersIn cooperation with leading practitioners, the Financial Wellness at Work project conducts live training institutes to help organizations identify the processes and partnerships to implement a successful workplace financial wellness program.

Organizations that participate in the live Financial Wellness at Work training institutes are eligible to apply for funding to help underwrite start-up costs for sustainable workplace programs.

Contact Laura Rowell at the FINRA Foundation to learn about upcoming training opportunities.

Online Training Program

Start a Workplace Financial Wellness Program in Your Community

This online training program orients participants with the case for community-based workplace financial wellness initiatives and delivers practical instruction on how to design, implement, and evaluate a program. Click the image below to register and begin:

Start a Workplace Financial Wellness Program in Your Community

Financial Wellness at Work in Action

These video documentaries chronicle employees’ real-life situations and demonstrate best practices from exemplary Financial Wellness at Work programs incubated by the FINRA Foundation and United Way Worldwide.

Bridges@Work – United Way Services of Geauga County, Ohio

Work/Life Solutions – United Way of Buffalo & Erie County, New York

Save First Financial Wellness – Portland, Oregon

Tools and Resources

Employer-Sponsored Small-Dollar Loan Implementation Guide

Employer-Sponsored Small-Dollar Loan Implementation Guide
This guide describes how credit unions, community-based organizations and employers can work together to offer safe and affordable small-dollar loans to employees.

Promoting Financial Wellness Solutions in the Workplace
This study details how nonprofit organizations can engage employers in providing financial wellness programs for their workers. The research also describes the most effective ways to communicate the availability of these services to employees.

Using the Workplace as a Platform for Financial Stability: A Profile of Working Bridges
The United Way in Chittenden County, Vermont, is helping lower-wage employees and employers through a model workplace financial wellness program.

How Employers Can Help New Hires Save for Retirement
Learn 10 ways employers can help new employees build long-term financial security.

A former grantee support employee financial wellness through Work/Life Solutions in Buffalo, New York.

Is your organization ready to provide an effective workplace program?

A strategic roadmap for bringing financial wellness to the workplace.

Remote video URL

With start-up funding from the FINRA Foundation, Bridges at Work in Geauga County, Ohio, helps workers achieve financial stability.