Research Center Hero

The Foundation supports research to understand the financial capability of American households, financial fraud and consumer protection, and what works when it comes to financial education and protection. Explore the resulting reports and data sets using the filters below.

Research Center

Showing 51-60 of 91 results
Oct 01, 2018
With a Foundation grant, researchers from NYU and USC's Center for Economic and Social Research tested the effect of social annotations on people's investment knowledge and performance on a retirement savings simulation.
Oct 01, 2018
With a Foundation grant, researchers from NYU and USC's Center for Economic and Social Research tested the effect of visual formatting on retirement investing decisions for novice and experienced investors.
Mar 28, 2018
This research used 2012-2018 NFCS data to examine gender differences in financial knowledge across U.S. millennials, Gen X, and baby boomers.
Dec 05, 2017
With a Foundation grant, the National Disability Institute used 2015 NFCS data to examine how adults living with disabilities manage financial resources and make financial decisions. 
Dec 05, 2017
This visual summary highlights findings from a Foundation grant to National Disability Institute which used 2015 NFCS data to examine how adults living with disabilities manage financial resources and make financial decisions. 
Nov 02, 2017
Explore the dynamics of victimization, how fraudsters use influence tactics to defraud their victims, and more in this working paper from the Foundation for Wharton's Pension Research Council.
Sep 01, 2017
Using 2015 NFCS data, researchers found that veterans have slightly better financial outcomes than non-veterans, but there are some areas where veterans could improve.
Jul 01, 2017
The taxonomy of fraud—developed by the Foundation and Stanford Center on Longevity, in collaboration with the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics—is a classification scheme designed to improve consistency in fraud measurement. 
Jun 01, 2017
The Foundation collaborated with United Way Worldwide on research into how local nonprofit organizations can effectively engage employers in providing workplace financial wellness services, and communicate with employees these programs. 
Apr 01, 2017
Researchers from the Foundation and First Nations Development Institute used 2015 NFCS data to examine the financial capability of Native Americans relative to other racial/ethnic groups and across subpopulations of Native American adults.